Peter Jackson's "The Fellowship of the Ring" innovated CGI cinema for a generation

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Every week, Ultimate Movie Year looks back into the past to highlight the best film that came out that weekend.

“The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring”
Released Dec. 19, 2001
Directed by Peter Jackson

Why does the first film of The Lord of the Rings trilogy deserve inclusion in the Ultimate Movie Year? Because it changed what you can do with cinema.

To begin, I am a film buff; nay, a film enthusiast. I have seen thousands of movies in my life, which is a lot for somebody not paid to do it. Over that time, I believe the best films I’ve seen and have stayed in my memories are the ones that engage me with something new. The thrill of discovering something you’ve never seen before, a wavelength you’ve never ridden, in a dark theater filled with strangers connecting at the same moment is a feeling that keeps me coming back to the movies again and again.

That is how I felt watching “Fellowship of the Ring,” the first film of Peter Jackson’s magnificent Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Read more at the Ultimate Movie Year