Why 'Paddington 2' is one of the decade's best films

Every week, Ultimate Movie Year looks back into the past to highlight the best film that came out that weekend.

"Paddington 2"
Released Jan. 12, 2018
Directed by Paul King

How do you define a perfect film? Like any subjective exercise, the answer will be slightly different for everybody, but at its basic level, it's a movie that we watch as viewers that we wouldn't change a thing about it. That may be easy to say, but like pitching a perfect game in baseball, we can't understate precisely how hard it is to do the same in film.

When we talk about movies, we'll often focus on the director, the stars and the story, but as anybody who's sat through the credits knows, making a film requires the work of hundreds and sometimes thousands of people, all of whom are using their unique talents to the best of their ability. It takes the vision of a director to bring everybody together to hopefully make an excellent final movie, but ultimately, there are countless ways something could go wrong along the way that could knock an engaged audience out of the film.

When you think of it that way, it's a minor miracle that a film ends up being okay. So a perfect movie, one that you wouldn't change a thing or notice a mistake? Well, that's a high bar, which brings us to 2018's "Paddington 2."

Read more at the Ultimate Movie Year