The gift and heartbreak of role-play in 'In the Mood for Love'

Ultimate Movie Year finds the best released films from weekends past to build an all-star lineup of cinema.

"In the Mood for Love"
Released Feb. 2, 2001, in the United States
Directed by Wong Kar-wai

As Valentine's Day approaches, it's only natural for the cinema marketplace to offer films that glorify and celebrate the climax of first romance. But for those not in the throes of a romantic relationship, finding a movie that speaks to a significant segment of the population that anticipate the holiday with a mixture of anxiety, dread, and longing is a tall task.

Fortunately, we have Wong Kar-wai's "In the Mood for Love," the Chinese film initially released in 2000 that won acclaim for its artistic influence for cinema.

Read more at the Ultimate Movie Year